Director, IFRTI
Welcome to the Institute for Forensic Research, Training, and Innovation (IFRTI) at Sam Houston State University. The Institute's principal goal is to promote interdisciplinary forensic research and encourage academic-industrial partnerships and training that serve the needs of the forensic community and its stakeholders.
As was noted in the landmark 2009 National Academies of Science (NAS) Report, institutes of higher education play a critical role advancing the standard and practice of forensic science in the United States. As a recognized leader in forensic science education at the graduate-level within one of the oldest and most well-respected Criminal Justice Colleges in the US, Sam Houston State University is committed to academic-industrial partnerships that advance the goals of the profession.
Through collaborative, interdisciplinary, and industrially relevant research and training, we hope to broaden scientific awareness and serve as a vehicle for technology transfer and innovation in a way that advances forensic science and the administration of justice locally, nationally, and globally.