The Southeast Texas Applied Forensic Science Facility (STAFS) welcomes volunteer and intern applications from students from SHSU as well as other universities that are in the process of obtaining a scientifically relevant degree. Our volunteers and interns receive unique hands-on experience and assist with daily operations as well as research. Applications are accepted on a semester basis and are reviewed during the below scheduled times. For more information on review times please contact us.
If accepted, volunteers and interns must complete various STAFS paperwork, as well as complete a Bloodborne pathogens training through the CITI program. STAFS administration will send all necessary information to any student that has been accepted as a volunteer or intern.
If you are interested in volunteering or interning at the STAFS Facility, please complete the STAFS Volunteer/Intern Application and email it to stafs@shsu.edu. Your request will be reviewed, and you will be notified of the final decision. If you need assistance, please contact us at 936-294-2310 or at stafs@shsu.edu.
Summer 2025 Semester
Applications due April 1st, 2025
Fall 2025 Semester
Applications due July 1st, 2025
Spring 2026 Semester
Applications due November 1st, 2025
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How much time should I have available to volunteer at STAFS?
New STAFS volunteers should be prepared to commit to a minimum of 2 full shifts per week on a semester basis. A full shift consists of volunteering at STAFS from 8am-5pm with a one-hour lunch break. A returning volunteer who has recently received full STAFS training has more flexibility with minimum schedule commitment requirements.
2. How much time should I have available to intern at STAFS?
Internship time requirements vary depending on which program and university you are applying from. STAFS requires interns to commit to a minimum of 3 full shifts per week on a semester basis. A full shift consists of interning at STAFS from 8am-5pm with a one-hour lunch break.
3. When can I volunteer or intern?
STAFS accepts volunteers and interns during normal business hours of Monday-Friday, from 8am to 5pm. STAFS observes all university holidays.
4. What types of jobs or tasks are available at STAFS?
This program focuses on people interested in the forensic sciences, including anthropology, biology, chemistry, etc. Tasks range from processing skeletal remains, body donation placements and skeletal pick-ups, bone labeling, collection upkeep, to maintaining databases, filing, and data entry. Experience level and osteology skills are the major factor in determining your role with us.
5. What paperwork is required if accepted?
All volunteers and interns are required to complete a confidentiality and liability agreement, emergency contact form, HEP B Vaccination disclosure form, and a bloodborne and airborne pathogens training.
6. Where can I get the HEP B vaccine if I am accepted?
Sam Houston students may request to receive the HEP B vaccination series at no cost after being accepted as STAFS personnel. Students can also sign a form stating that they would not like to receive this vaccination series. Please contact us for more details.
7. I have already received a Hep B vaccination series in the past. Do I need to do it again?
No, you will just need to complete our form stating that you have completed it.
8. Do I need health insurance?
It is highly recommended that you have health insurance, whether personally issued health care or through SHSU. Do understand that as a volunteer STAFS does not cover doctor appointments or emergency hospital visits if an accident would occur. As a SHSU student, you have full access to the Student Health Center.
9. What is the Blood Borne and Airborne Pathogens Training?
There is an online training that must be completed on exposure risks associated with human materials and the general safety precautions that should be taken if accepted. A quiz will follow the training, and a passing grade is required. STAFS requires proof of completion in the form of the passing certificate. STAFS workers and volunteers abide by OSHA standards. Please contact us for the link to this training.
10. What types of risks do I have?
STAFS does not accept donations from those with communicable or infectious diseases, however the presence, or lack thereof cannot be guaranteed. However, most volunteers will be handling material that is of low risk for any biological agents. The most common risks include mishandling of sharp implements, pulled muscles, and tripping hazards.
11. What is the purpose of the liability waiver?
The liability waiver serves to inform the volunteer/intern of the risks involved in volunteering with this type of research and to relinquish STAFS of any liability.
12. What is the purpose of the confidentiality statement that students must sign?
The research conducted at the STAFS is highly sensitive and requires strict confidentiality to maintain the integrity of not only STAFS but the donors and their families as well.